Perhaps you may be up for some more sun-baked sissy body art. Unfortunately, many sissies are still faced with sour weather. Plus, suntans have a lack of fidelity. They can also be difficult for many sissies to apply. Fair-skinned sissies often risk sunburns and dry skin; ebony sissies may have trouble getting their art to show up at all.

Luckily there’s another option: drawn-on body art. (And for the sissies that have already taken the next step and gotten an actual feminine tattoo: Way to go girl! Your dedication to girliness is an inspiration!)
Find a fine-tipped permanent marker (or my favorite for that extra feminine touch for a sissy: a lipstain) and pick out a design you like. For sissies with limited artistic experience, a simple shape will work best (the shoulder star like Bianca here, a Venus symbol, a bow).
In a pinch, a short word also works well. Capital letters are easier to write neatly – even if you’ve been practicing your girly handwriting, writing on yourself may be difficult. If you can’t think of anything else, labelling yourself SISSY would be just perfect!
But you don’t want to hide your art away!

You have to show it off, sissy. If you’re not quite brave enough to go with a fully bared piece of body art, you’re going to go as close as you can: Your shoulder/upper arm, lower thigh or ankle (hidden, but just barely).
No need to worry if you have concerns about your drawing skills – you’ve got plenty of places elsewhere on your body to practice where no one will see! You can try to draw or trace a pattern in pen and then fill it in with a more permanent solution later on.
Or try free-hand if you’re a bit more confident (short strokes will work better as you flesh out your design, the marker will naturally bleed over a bit into the surrounding skin).
Once you’re done, you’ll have a neat little girly reminder that’s just a wrinkle or ruffle of clothing away. A raised sleeve, a lowered sock and you’ll be able to show off your girly art!
Most permanent ink will wash off within a few days (depending on your marker, it may become much less visible after just one wash – feel free to touch it up as you see fit). If you have sensitive skin, test out a marker first to make sure you won’t have any unfortunate rashes or uncomfortable events to ruin your artistic experience.
Most importantly – have fun and express your inner sissy!