Every sissy needs some pantyhose and a panty girdle. So here is Another shopping assignment.

1. Put on one of your bras, your regular panties, and one of your blouses.

2. Put on boy shoes, socks, and slacks.

3. Put on some lipstick.

4. Now go to a store like Walmart and buy a pair of pantyhose to fit you. This is the only item you are to buy. Take them to the check out and pick a check out where a female is working.

As you pay for them ask the clerk if she thinks that they will look good on you.

5. Take your purchase to your car.

6. Go back into the store and look for a panty girdle (Walmart has some that range from $3.00 to $5.00). Pick out a pretty one that will fit you. As you go to the check out make sure you carry your panty girdle out in front of you in full view for every one to see.

7.Go to a check out where a different female clerk is working and buy your panty girdle. Ask her if she thinks that this will look good on you.

8. Now go home and remove all of your boy clothes and your blouse and put your pantyhose on over your panties.

Then put your panty girdle on over your pantyhose. We are going to call this your sissy outfit. While you are dressed this way compose and send me an e-mail telling me about your assignment and describing the feelings you had while carrying out this assignment.

Have a great sissy day and enjoy your assignment.

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Free Sissy Assignments,

Last Update: December 20, 2024